Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Connecting Tweets to Tell a Story and Build Community

While many companies are only connected with customers 'online', Starbucks is in a unique position to have connections 'offline' in the community of coffee shops (the "third place") and online.

Virtual interaction is bringing the Starbucks in-store experience online. As outlined in the story by Jeff Bullas, a report was conducted by Altimeter which identified four key elements crucial for online engagement between Starbucks and their customer base. First, success requires contact with customers through consistently updated engagements within blogs or Facebook. Second, interaction by multiple contacts and levels within an organization brings a wider customer reach.
Third, targeting what your industry and customer is looking for in an online experience and fourth, focus on key areas that work, don't spread yourself too thin.

The offline experience at Starbucks holds new opportunities in addition to the established retail outlets. Is it time to take it to the streets with mobile coffee options? With the recent emergence of food trucks, why not mobile coffee trucks or boats for that matter? This is the opportunity to blend directly into communities where needed, making market adjustments simply by going down a different street.

Howard Schultz is changing the face of how corporations think about social responsibility. He's taking charge with the Create jobs for USA fund, helping American's get back to work. Jobs need to be created and can be done through innovative approaches both online and offline.

Who knows, mobile coffee options could just be the answer that Starbucks customer, Kristen
is looking for when she asks: "Why hasn't Starbucks invented delivery yet?

This story inspired by Tweets from @jeffbullas, @amberdaviseyes, @cnnsotu, and @thatkristen

Friday, February 3, 2012

To Be Heard

If you are looking for inspiration as you define your future, then make a point to watch To Be Heard, the story of three teens from the South Bronx struggling to change their lives through writing and performing poetry, using this creativity to change their circumstances.

The film opens with the quote:

"If you don't learn to write your own life story, someone else will write it for you."
This is the truth. We are each responsible for our own destiny. We have the power to make changes and if we choose not to make these changes, we at least have the power to control how we react to our circumstances. I found parallels to my own life while watching this film - it applies to all of us.

You can watch the trailer at http://www.tobeheard.org/