Monday, April 11, 2011

Utilize the Frontlines

Your front-line employees have a wealth of knowledge that can only be found at the lower levels of an organization. Utilize this information to your advantage - you'll be surprised by what you find out. Often, valuable information, does not always float upwards to top management. Take a walk down the hall, pop into someone's office and ask a few questions. Read this article by Carol Bartz, CEO of Yahoo! The key takeaway is the directive to listen to your workforce, really listen. By tapping into these employees, you will find a wealth of ideas that are not just found at higher levels of an organization, but at times from the most unlikeliest of candidates.

1 comment:

Amy G said...

Amen! Information overload is wreaking havoc in companies. It is so difficult to decipher the barage of information and understand how it impacts you and those you work with. And, managers are not recognized and rewarded for helping interpret the information. The "front lines" feel disconnected, uninspired and disassociated.

Carol talks a good game, and hopefully she can affect change at Yahoo. That is one of the more disfunctionally managed companies I've ever worked with!